A Special Mother's Day Spotlight with Jessica Kerley-Tanski

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A Special Mother's Day Spotlight with Jessica Kerley-Tanski

Posted on May 09 2024

A Special Mother's Day Spotlight with Jessica Kerley-Tanski


We are so excited to be featuring a long-time partner of ALLY Shoes, Jessica Kerley-Tanski. Jessica is the mind behind, Chic Professor. A popular YouTube channel, she is also a professor and a mom of 2. Find out more about why she started her account and how she carves out time for herself.

ALLY Shoes: Tell us about yourself.

Jessica: Hi! I'm Jessica and I am a professor, content creator, and Mama of two.

ALLY Shoes: What made you decide to start your YouTube channel and Instagram account? In what ways has your experience in academia influenced your content creation on social media?

Jessica: I started my channel many moons ago when I was first starting to teach. I teach communication but my graduate degree focused on rhetoric and theoretical communication and I wanted to learn more about social media. I felt like reading about it was not enough and it is important to the way we interact so I wanted to start an instagram to really understand it. At the same time I was grappling with learning to be an authority figure as a young woman that easily blended in as a student. I taught students who were only a few years younger than me and at one school where most of the students were a few decades older than me. I knew that my style was one of my best tools to differentiate myself and showcase my power. I also felt like everything I saw about workwear was about dressing up like a man and I was not interested- I wanted to show that femininity is powerful and you don't have to lose your style to gain authority. Chicprofessor was the perfect solution and I had a wonderful time showcasing my style as I was discovering it myself and forming a community. I have always been an avid thrifter and once I started working I allowed myself to spend a little more secondhand and start buying higher quality pieces. I started to dabble in luxury but most reviews were only about the new items in store. I started my YouTube channel shortly after this discovery as a way to showcase older styles and give reviews about them while learning video editing and another social media platform. While I was shopping secondhand for the cost savings and unique style, I learned about sustainability and it instantly shifted my focus. It became very important to me to use my platform to spread that education as well while still showcasing my style and interest in luxury goods.
ALLY Shoes: Sustainable fashion is a topic close to your heart. Can you share how you incorporate sustainability into your fashion choices, and how you're using your platform to raise awareness about it?
Jessica: It is so important to me! At this point in my fashion journey I will not purchase an item that is not high quality and sustainable in at least some way. I like to promote brands that share my values and purchase as much as possible secondhand. I use my platform to show that sustainable fashion does not need to be boring and we can find wonderful brands that allow us to shop our values. I have seen many small sustainable brands close and that has made me even more interested in supporting and showcasing these brands to connect them with their like-minded customers.
ALLY Shoes: As a new mom of two kids, how do you balance the demands of work and family life so effectively? How do you carve out time for yourself?
Jessica: Well the truth is I don't think I am balancing it that well and that is okay! I have had to let my content creation slide a bit right now while in the baby stage. I do try to carve out little bits of time for myself by trying to schedule time to see friends and my husband and I try to give each other little bits of personal time every once in a while when the other can take both kids!
ALLY Shoes: How has motherhood changed your perspective on education and learning?
Jessica: I don't think it has changed it much! They've both always been incredibly important to me and continue to be so.
ALLY Shoes: Who is your ally?
Jessica: My ally is all of you! People who care about making the world a better place and doing what they can to preserve the planet for the next generation. It is up to all of us!


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