Spring is Coming - Let's Clean out the Old and Make Room for the New

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Spring is Coming - Let's Clean out the Old and Make Room for the New

Posted on March 02 2021

Spring is Coming - Let's Clean out the Old and Make Room for the New


Spring is the perfect time to do a reassessment of your life and hit the refresh button. Clean out and declutter the things and old habits that are weighing your life down. This includes taking a look at your closet and giving it a major refresh so it feels new, inviting, and organized. Make it into a space that evokes your personality, gives you inspiration, and makes you happy! A special thanks to Mina B Stylist for her top closet clean out tips. We loved having her come on as a guest contributor and share with us her recommendations. Follow along for some great tips.




1. Don’t take everything out of your closet

It can be very overwhelming and messy to take everything out of your closet. Go through your closet and keep your “Yes I love it” clothing and the items that make you happy and leave them on the hangers. You can keep those together in a section based on type of clothing (dresses, pants, blazers, tops, etc).  Only take out the “Maybes” and the “Definitely No’s”. Sort them into their 2 separate piles. Try on the maybes with a trusted stylish friend or stylist and keep the clothing that you can still remix into your refreshed wardrobe. Donate the “Definitely Not” pile. It will feel good to give to others and get rid of your stale items.

2. Organize your closet

It's a great idea to organize your closet by type and color. Create different sections for different types of clothing. I always like to have a section for “everyday” close by to the entrance of the closet for easy dressing. When organized beautifully by color from light to dark, and by type, it will look very clean and streamlined.

3. New Hangers

I always tell my clients to buy all new hangers that are slim and black felt. The reason for this is because it will make your closet instantly look more streamlined and neat. It does wonders for the visual aesthetic of your closet and can also make more space for your clothes to breathe and for all those new items!

4. Reorganize your shoes

Shoes need to be organized too. Organize the shoes onto shelves by heel height and color. If you don’t have shelves, I strongly recommend investing in them as it will make a huge difference in creating an inspiring closet that’s beautiful and fun to get dressed in everyday. Place the beautiful shoes that you want to show off within eye level so it creates a stylish and inspiring focal point. Place flats, boots, and sneakers on the lower bottom shelves by type and height. 

5. Fold your winter sweaters

Instead of hanging the sweaters fold them neatly into color coordinated piles. I also like to fold jeans with the zipper on the outside so it’s easy to see which pair it is. If your items are kept neatly, it will inspire you to always keep your closet clean and organized. Free your mind. Free your closet! Happy Organizing!



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