Posted on September 18 2022

Source: ALLY Shoes | Blissful Blush Bold Block Heel $325
We had the opportunity to speak with Liz of Launched by Liz and founder of Supply Chain Gals and a business professional working her dream job. Liz also shares some incredible content around landing your dream career and leveling up your resume. If you are looking to change careers or just get paid what you deserve, definitely give her a follow.
ALLY Shoes: Tell us about yourself.
Liz: Hi, I'm Liz! I am very lucky to spend my 9-5pm working in my dream job on a business strategy team. I’m a young professional, just like you, navigating presenting to senior executives and managing my work-wellness balance. I'm sharing what I learn along the way as a creator on Instagram, TikTok, & YouTube.
ALLY Shoes: What made you decide to create content around career tips.
Liz: Through attending Georgia Tech, obtaining a master’s degree at MIT on full scholarship, changing my career path several times, and learning how to build my professional network, I have realized the numerous challenges that come with launching your career. Asking for a raise, promotion, or even writing a cover letter can be awkward and frightening. Launched by Liz was founded when I realized the need for personalized career advice and guidance, especially among young women.
ALLY Shoes: What is your biggest piece of career advice for women?
Liz: My biggest piece of career advice for women is don't be afraid to speak up and stand out. Growing up, we're encouraged to blend in and not make waves. Career success comes from sharing ideas, being bold, and taking a chance on yourself.
ALLY Shoes | Blissful Blush Bold Block Heel $325
ALLY Shoes: We have been told "Dress for the job you want." However, with remote working hybrid office culture, how important is it to still dress up for interviews and work?
Liz: Since I'm usually the youngest in the room, I try to adapt to the most senior person's style. Typically, that means more formal attire. I always try to dress on the formal side for occasions like interviews to big presentations. It's a sign of respect to put in a little extra effort to look professional. I'd rather be viewed as putting in too much effort than not enough when it comes to work wear.
ALLY Shoes: You are also the founder of Supply Chain Gals. Can you tell us more about that venture?
Liz: Supply Chain Gals is a community that provides resources and highlights opportunities for women in supply chain. The goal is to help more women join this growing STEM field and rise to leadership positions. Follow along and join us on Instagram and LinkedIn!
ALLY Shoes: Who is your biggest ally?
Liz: My biggest ally is my support network of women. I'm so thankful for the women across diverse industries that advise, support, and cheer me on in reaching my goals. We really can achieve more together!