Kicking our Nutrition Plan into Gear- Female Founder Feature

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Kicking our Nutrition Plan into Gear- Female Founder Feature

Posted on January 17 2022

Kicking our Nutrition Plan into Gear- Female Founder Feature

It's time to kick our nutrition plan into gear. The world is so unpredictable today and with people getting sick left and right, the least we can do is try and fuel the body with healthy foods. We brought in a certified nutritionist and founder of Brooke Rozzie Coaching, Brooke Rozmenoski to give us some suggestions and tips to jumpstart a nutrition plan. 

ALLY Shoes: Tell us about how you got into nutrition and health coaching.

Brooke:  For most of my life I held a yo-yo relationship with food and my weight as well as struggled with inconsistency into my mid 20s. I started to realize much of it was because I was putting so much pressure on my nutrition to be perfect vs. consistent and when I wasn’t able to maintain that perfection I thought I had failed and I would give up. I wanted to change that relationship for women around me as well when I learned how simple it really could be. Midway thru my career I lost my Dad to cancer and thru the stress of it all my body felt like it went haywire, I personally learned how much stress and my hormones were also playing a role more than just nutrition which has led me to how I coach women in a holistic way today, because its not just about what we eat, but also how we feel in our skin. 

ALLY Shoes: How can someone start to work with you and what would that look like?

Brooke: My coaching program is always open for enrollment! We begin with a decision support call to decide how much support you will need thru the program and then we get you going! I work with women anywhere from 1:1 to a group support format. I bring in monthly guest experts from physicians who specialize in hormonal health to mindset coaches and everything in between to truly give you every bit of support you could need to achieve your goals. The Balanced Body program focuses on nutrition, movement, lifestyle factors, stress support, and hormonal health to not just help you achieve your goals but to truly get you feeling good in your skin and have sustainable results. 

ALLY Shoes: What motivates you daily as an entrepreneur?

Brooke: Changing women's lives! I left a 12 year career with a large fitness company to begin my own business so I could make a bigger impact with women. After having kids and thru personal struggles I first hand experienced how unsupported women are in truly feeling the best in their body and I know that doesn’t have to be the case for anyone. I am on a mission to change it. 

ALLY Shoes: Provide 3 tips that will help you stick to a nutrition plan that works.

1. Focus on establishing habits FIRST. Take inventory of what you do each day and which habits leave you feeling stressed vs. which ones are aligning with your goals. Ex. Is waking up late in the morning leading you to choosing a breakfast that doesn’t make you feel good? Then focus on an earlier bedtime and skipping the snooze button so we can have 10 minutes to make a breakfast that supports our goals. The best nutrition plan won’t work with habits that don't help make it happen!
2. Ditch the “all in or out” mindset and focus on consistency. None of us will be perfect, LIFE will get in the way. One time of imperfect choices really doesn’t make that big of a difference, its what we do after that instead. I have clients focus on 80% consistency vs. 100% so they have space to enjoy life and can adhere to their plan more vs. feeling restriction or stressed about it. 
3. You have to have a bigger reason for your goals than a scale. Focus on how you want t FEEL and instead make your choices based on that. Ex. How does a donut make you feel in your skin vs. eggs and berries in the morning? How will getting 5 hours of sleep make you feel vs. 8 hours? When we choose our habits based on how we want to feel it puts us back in the control seat vs. feeling like we “have to” or “can’t” and allows us to remember a bigger reason why we are choosing these things. The scale will fluctuate and its one tool, but at the end of the day if you weigh less but don't feel how you want to then the scale doesn’t matter. 


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