Posted on July 13 2023

- Spend 5 extra minutes getting ready, you will never regret it.
2. Plan what you are wearing for the next day (or evening) the night before.
3. Know your body type and dress for what looks best on you, rather than what you like on other people or on social media.
4. Pay attention to your shoes and bags as well as your clothes. People will notice if they are dirty and worn out. Also, make sure you are comfortable in your shoes. Uncomfortable shoes can be very distracting for the person who is wearing them. Ally shoes are a go-to for us, because they are super comfortable and also chic, so you don’t have to give up style for comfort! You will be able to concentrate on what you are doing rather than how badly your feet hurt!
5. Be thoughtful about what you put in your closet. Each piece should have a reason for being there; most pieces should be able to be worn in multiple ways- Mantra: less quantity, more quality.