Posted on August 12 2021

Many of us are going back to the office soon, whether you are excited to go back or not we believe it's important to continue to thrive professionally whether that is remote, hybrid or at the office. We spoke with Sarah Hammond, Founder of The Network of Women to highlight for us three tips for a smooth transition back to the office.
1. Schedule Time Daily For Yourself
One overwhelming theme I am hearing as people transition back to the office is that their time is no longer their own. I would encourage people to reframe that. To create boundaries, to carve out time to continue to make themselves a priority. as a manager I am always encouraging my team to take breaks during the day, to go on vacation to power down because I get the best versions of them when that happens. While your boss may not get that, they will appreciate the person it creates.
2. Renegotiate Your Situation
The market is on fire right now. Employers are doing whatever they need to do to retain their top talent. The power is with the employees right now. If you are looking to work two days from home, change your hours, do a job share NoW is the time to negotiate that. The work day as we've known it is no longer. People are figuring out how to do their job in so many interesting new ways. It can be done and there is no reason you can't have whatever arrangement you seek -- or at least some version of it.
3. Reminders of Why You Do What You Do
It is proven that if you surround yourself with reminders of why you do your job your performance will be stronger as well as your focus. That can be pictures of your family, images of a vacation you are planning, plants that remind you of your love of nature and the time you get to spend outdoors, etc.. If your environment isn't reinforcing anything your drive and willpower will suffer because of it! Give it a try!
It's important to get the mind right and to have the right attitude approach but don't forget to dress for success back to the office. We've got you covered with Work Uniform Tips. Plus if you are looking for a boost of confidence plus a go-to classic heel, shop the black leather pump.